The Annual Implementation Plan
An implementation plan (or action plan) helps DSU to execute its vision and achieve its objectives by describing the strategies and specific actions that will be employed. Developing an implementation plan helps bridge the broader goals and objectives and outcomes with smaller tangible steps. An implementation plan also increases efficiency and accountability within the institution and provides a method for measurement of strategic plan progress and goal attainment.
It is also important to note the implementation plan now additionally serves as the annual budget request for each strategic working group.
Defining implementation plans for strategies
The strategic planning committee developed goals, desired outcomes, strategies, and actions to support the mission of the institution. While strategic planning looks at the organization as a whole, implementation plans focus on action carried out by specific individuals – the primary purpose of each strategy working group is to develop and deploy implementation plans aimed at achieving the assigned strategy. An implementation plan is a planning document that provides detail on the desired result, how each step will be implemented (by whom and when), how the achievement of the desired result will be measured, and the budgetary or other resources needed to carry out the implementation plan.
Selecting actionable steps for inclusion
The strategic plan outlines a series of actions in support of identified strategies. It is the responsibility of the strategy working group to select the appropriate actions for inclusion in the implementation plan. Further, the working group may choose to disregard suggested actions or add additional action items as the implementation plan is developed.
Implementation planning cycle
The 2020-25 strategic plan covers five years – thus, each outcome and related strategies in the plan are broad and relatively ambitious in their scope. They are likely to require multiple years to accomplish. Implementations plans are created on an annual basis. Therefore, it is important that the strategy working group consider the long-term scale of the strategic plan, but also assess the assigned strategy in terms of smaller distinct (but related) components that can be addressed or achieved in an annual cycle.
It is worth noting that the institution strives for continuous quality improvement. Some smaller changes may occur outside of the formal strategic plan implementation cycle. Thus, a strategy may be achieved outside of the implementation plan. Also, while not all projects or initiatives may be funded in the strategic plan implementation cycle, this does not mean that the project cannot or will not be executed under other processes.
- For information about developing an effective implementation plan, please review this document from the Community Tool Box at the University of Kansas.
- DSU has implemented Anthology Planning as its strategic plan management platform; annual implementation plans are created within this platform. Please refer to the following resources for guidance in creating these plans.
- Strategic Planning Playbook: Creating an Implementation Plan
This reference document provides detailed instructions to create an implementation plan in the Anthology Planning platform. - Video: The Annual Implementation Plan
The following video provides a walk-through of creating an implementation plan in the Anthology Planning platform.
- Strategic Planning Playbook: Creating an Implementation Plan